Have you had alcohol in the last 11 days? It’s February. And you know what that means… dry January is over. So what happens now? Do we go back to imbibing without a care, try to stay in the middle of the road, or keep it dry as long as possible? The answer: that is completely up to you.
The latest.
Dr. Vivek Murthy made the announcement a few weeks ago that alcohol has been named a class 1 carcinogen. What that means is that it has been classified with the likes of tobacco, asbestos, and arsenic to name a few. So what do we do about it?
Before we go any further, here’s a picture of my husband and I having a glass at my friend’s weddings after the news already broke.

So you can deduce that I will not be completely giving up alcohol (and neither will Bryce). Even with the research, my own personal nutrition practices, care for longevity for myself and my family, and deep rooted passion for hormone health. Why? I can think of many reasons but the first is - I like it. I also like the way it helps me personally connect with others and lower my social inhibitions. In my circles, alcohol has always been a fun thing to be shared, not something to be abused or overused. But that’s MY perspective based on MY life experience.
It can be different for you.
And I will say, I have definitely been more moderate with alcohol most of my life and am even more so now.
You have the power to make informed decisions around the things that affect your health the most. So know that your body will repay you every time you make a deposit, and you will likely feel the withdrawals as they become numerous.
What the science says.
Alcohol related research has been going on for a long time. We just finally have a sure decision and naming the substance has hit home.
What the research shows is that alcohol is the number three leading cause of preventable cancer in the US after tobacco and obesity. It manifests in cancers of the:
-voice box
-colon & rectum
So if you’re genetically predisposed to any of these, I would dial back the alcohol consumption.
No amount of alcohol is considered “safe” but as the servings increase, so too does the cancer risk. So, minimizing your intake in any capacity is going to be a positive change.
How does alcohol cause cancer risk to increase?
The two strongest supported reasons have to do with DNA damage and inflammation. Alcohol breaks down into acetaldehyde which binds to DNA and damages it which can lead to uncontrollable cell growth, and in turn, cancer. Secondly, when alcohol is processed in the body, it creates reactive oxygen species. Through oxidation, they cause inflammation, damage DNA, and more.
A third, not as deeply researched reason behind alcohol’s carcinogenic effects is the effect it has on hormones - namely estrogen. We have enough research to deduce that alcohol consumption does promote excess estrogen production which can lead to certain cancers, such as breast cancer.
If you read nothing else read this!
If you’ve been here a while, you know I love to say it, but there still isn’t enough research on women’s reproductive health. And this is no exception. Understanding the mechanisms of hormone production is vital not only to cancer protection for us, but overall hormonal health.
With even an inkling of a connection between alcohol consumption and hormone imbalance, I urge you to take the science seriously and enjoy it in moderation when and if you do. Whether you’re trying to have pain-free periods, focus on fertility, or heal PCOS, alcohol will only exacerbate the symptoms you’re trying to get away from.
And, as always, there’s a caveat.
Because if you think of your body like a bank, deposits and withdrawals are equally as important to your bottom line. Now the amounts may differ, and you may have more out than in and vice versa in different seasons, but ultimately we have to look at the big picture.
SO, if you’re going to drink but also care about your body, health, hormones, and quality of life, do these things:
Minimize ultra-processed foods
Replace refined and added sugars with whole food sweet alternatives
Increase your antioxidant rich foods
Have an accountability partner when drinking
Supplement with glutathione to support your body’s natural detoxification
Sometimes not having the drink will cause stress. Stress that can actually do more damage to your body than one drink. Choose with intention and remember that all things work together.
And if you need some extra help, we’re here.